老鼠 发表于 2009-4-20 14:36:32


<p><font color=#993300 size=5>集体合照</font></p><p><img src="/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2009-4/2009420143425.jpg" onmousewheel="return yuzi_img(event,this)" onload="javascript:if(this.width>body.clientHeight)this.width=body.clientHeight" border=0></p><p>歌唱家伍伟周即兴表演</p><p><img src="http://www.75one.net/data/attachment/forum/pw//bbsxp/2009-4/2009420143610.jpg" onmousewheel="return yuzi_img(event,this)" onload="javascript:if(this.width>body.clientHeight)this.width=body.clientHeight" border=0></p>

乡音乡情 发表于 2009-4-22 17:44:25

<p><font color=#0000ff size=4>多谢老鼠校友的图文报导。</font></p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4>四月十九日台山萃英(白沙)中学美西校友会在三藩市“迎宾客”隆重举行庆会,庆祝母校建校六十七週年暨晋升江门市一级学校。不少老师、同学不辞劳苦远道而来,欢聚一堂。</font></p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4>庆会开始大家高唱校歌,然后由颂明会长致热情洋溢欢迎词,再次由校友总会永远名誉会长炳良先生作了重要讲话,并详细介绍母校发展近况。校友们无不为母校取得骄人的教育</font></p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4>成绩而高兴和自豪。今年的庆会真所谓是老、中、青结合,出现不少年轻新面孔,为校友会增进了新生力量,可喜可贺。以会者畅所欲言,互致问候,谈笑风生,把酒言欢,场面</font></p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4>温馨感人。</font></p>

李杨柳 发表于 2009-4-23 10:13:03

<font color=#0000ff size=4>原来台山萃英(白沙)中学的来头也吾细。<img src="Images/Emoticons/21.gif" width=20 onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0><img src="http://www.75one.net/images/Emoticons/46.gif" width=20 onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0></font>

糊涂虫 发表于 2009-4-23 11:18:43

<font color=#ff6600 size=6>萃英(白沙)中学是不错。</font>

老鼠 发表于 2009-4-25 15:18:47


<p><font style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff\" color=#800000 size=5>萃英中學美西校友會慶祝母校校慶<br />2009年4月19日萃英中學美西校友會校友們聚集在三藩市唐人埠迎宾閣酒家,筵開四席,黃仕光攝影續發相片如下: </font><img src="/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2009-4/200942515131.jpg" onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0></p><p><img src="http://www.75one.net/data/attachment/forum/pw//bbsxp/2009-4/2009425151354.jpg" onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0></p><p><img src="http://www.75one.net/data/attachment/forum/pw//bbsxp/2009-4/2009425151437.jpg" onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0></p><p><img src="http://www.75one.net/data/attachment/forum/pw//bbsxp/2009-4/2009425151527.jpg" onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

dear 发表于 2010-4-28 14:47:17

The best routes and farming paths, as well as locations of rare items Auction House tips <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.toppowerlevel.net>wow power leveling</A> that will double your profits easily That doesn&#39;t cover everything though. Luke&#39;s guide has a great deal to offer and these are just <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/buy.php>wow gold</A> a few of the ones that stood out to me. In addition, he also has put together some great maps and screen shots that show you where you should be spending your time, and his guide comes with <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/PowerLevel.php?gid=1>wow power leveling</A> bonuses that are useful to someone who wants MORE GOLD. Let&#39;s <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=1>wow gold</A> face it, if you already know how to play WoW, you don&#39;t need newbie guides explaining the game to you. You can get that info on Blizzard&#39;s website or in the WoW forums. But Luke&#39;s bonuses <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=7>MS mesos</A> aren&#39;t just filler newbie crap -- they&#39;re all about making more money, and include <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=18>SWG credits</A> a fishing guide, a twink profits guide and a great Auctioneer add-on. And don&#39;t forget, you <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=10>lotro gold</A> also get lifetime updates so shortly after Wrath of the Lich King is released in November, Luke will be issuing an update for it. And you&#39;ll be all set to make more gold <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=16>FFXI Gil</A> all the way to lvl 80 is a brand spanking new guide to easy gold farming within World of Warcraft and it is jam-

dear 发表于 2010-4-28 14:48:02

The best routes and farming paths, as well as locations of rare items Auction House tips <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.toppowerlevel.net>wow power leveling</A> that will double your profits easily That doesn&#39;t cover everything though. Luke&#39;s guide has a great deal to offer and these are just <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/buy.php>wow gold</A> a few of the ones that stood out to me. In addition, he also has put together some great maps and screen shots that show you where you should be spending your time, and his guide comes with <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/PowerLevel.php?gid=1>wow power leveling</A> bonuses that are useful to someone who wants MORE GOLD. Let&#39;s <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=1>wow gold</A> face it, if you already know how to play WoW, you don&#39;t need newbie guides explaining the game to you. You can get that info on Blizzard&#39;s website or in the WoW forums. But Luke&#39;s bonuses <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=7>MS mesos</A> aren&#39;t just filler newbie crap -- they&#39;re all about making more money, and include <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=18>SWG credits</A> a fishing guide, a twink profits guide and a great Auctioneer add-on. And don&#39;t forget, you <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=10>lotro gold</A> also get lifetime updates so shortly after Wrath of the Lich King is released in November, Luke will be issuing an update for it. And you&#39;ll be all set to make more gold <A TARGET=_blank HREF=http://www.ygscn.net/BuyGold.php?gid=16>FFXI Gil</A> all the way to lvl 80 is a brand spanking new guide to easy gold farming within World of Warcraft and it is jam-
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